Authentic Vintage Tone Hand Built in the USA
Curtis has been tinkering with pickups and restoring vintage guitars since 1983. His life-long pursuit and pleasure is to help you find that elusive tone you are searching for, rather than selling off-the-shelf pickups that everyone plays.
Working directly with musicians, hearing your frustrations, desires and needs has helped invent new designs, reimagine vintage gems and has evolved the way he thinks about tone.
Constantly the explorer, Curtis continues to experiment with new ways to give you the perfect tone. Keep up to date with his latest creations on Instagram at @curtis_novak_pickups

New Designs…
When making pickups, we feel it is very important to first truly understand why a certain pickup has stood the test of time: why it works, and of course why something does not work. Once we fully understand the original pickup and how it was made, we faithfully recreate the pickup and begin to modify the design. This allows us to preserve the great qualities of a pickup and change the parts that might need to be improved upon.
Winding Process…
With the wealth of information collected over the years researching pickups, and help from his mentor; Curtis built his first winder modeled after Leo Fender’s original design. We hand wind every pickup, just like the old days, to reproduce that magic vintage tone. Hand winding gives a warmer, more consistent tone than auto winding. We think it’s the reason our pickups have that special something that has thrilled musicians around the world.